Masters of Photography-

I really like the photographer Alvin Langdon Coburn. He was a Langdon American abstract photographer. He worked both in the United States and Britain. Coburn was an internationally recognized leader of the Modernist age, producing symbolic and abstract photographs ranging from portraits of his friends to landscapes to abstract constructions. He started photography because he was Influenced by his cousin. He opened a studio  in New York City in 1902. Two years later he emigrated to London for a commission to photograph celebrities and eventually became a British subject. One thing I really like about Alvin’s photography is that he took pictures of the outside word. Such as Alvin Langdon Coburn House of a Thousand Windows
1912. I like how to photo looks like it was taken from a top view because you can see the whole building. Another picture I really like that he took was Alvin Langdon Coburn The Cloud 1912. I’m a big fan of sky pictures so this photo really caught my attention. This picture also remind me of a heart because of how the cloud is formed. Lastly, I really like the Alvin Langdon Coburn Ezra Pound 1917 picture because when I first looked at it, it tripped me oct. I had to go back and look at it which really caught my attention.

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